Dating is a bitch. But I’m ballsy. Let’s dance.

  • Fantasy Man

    There’s a danger in online dating that goes beyond meeting perverts, douche bags and creeps. I mean, really, that’s just a given, right? This other danger is something that we as women create ourselves if we’re not careful. It’s insidious and sneaky and as much as I try to guard against it, I still succumb once in…

  • Douche Baggery

    Texting. It obviously wasn’t a thing in the 80s, the last decade I was fully immersed in the dating world. Fast forward to 2014, and you can’t function as a single person without it. At least, that’s how it feels when I’m trying engage with men I’m interested in but barely know. Our phone screens are often where the conversations begin,…

  • Datesturbation

    I’m amazed by my imagination. And I say this with a slight shake of my head–as in “what the hell are you thinking?” This is not a nod to my creative genius. It’s a statement about my tendency to creatively fill in the blanks. I’m damn good at it. I met Donny online (of course) where we chatted…

  • Sexy Confidence

    There’s something mysterious about confidence. It’s sexy. Intoxicating. In the words of one of my favorite guy friends, “the ultimate panty dropper.” It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, a confident demeanor is simply attractive. And logically, that would make the opposite of confidence (i.e. insecurity) a “panty keeper onner” (I think I just…

  • Monkey Spanking

    I met Tom online one Saturday evening. He was at a bar in San Francisco for a friend’s birthday party. I was home, sipping cheap wine and watching Sex and the City reruns. One of us was not pathetic. We started chatting, I was immediately intrigued, and turned off Carrie and crew to focus on…

  • The Hot Cop

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Love this quote from Maya Angelou–and it seems especially appropriate when navigating your way through the World of Dating. My tendency, however, is to believe them and then believe that I can change them. Especially when it comes to players. I met one such player…

  • Cock Shots

    To my exhibitionist friends of the male persuasion, We don’t want to see it. Well, I can only speak for myself, but if the rest of the females in the world were to appoint me as Madame Spokesperson, I would say: We don’t want to see it. This might come as news to you, but your penis…

  • Hard to Get

    I have a love/hate relationship with online dating. Mostly, I hate it. But the part I love is where I get to write and chat with people via texts and messages. It’s fun, interesting and right up my word-filled alley. Witty banter is my favorite, and I’m always excited when I meet a dude who can hang…

  • Half My Age

    I have always dated younger men. For 20 years, I was married to a younger man. After that, I got involved with another younger man. Even in high school, I dated younger boys. Why? No clue. Maybe it’s a sign of my maturity level. Maybe I’m young for my age. Yes, pretty sure that’s it. Or…

  • When In Rome

    Quick back story: It’s January 2, 2014 and this girl has been vehemently single for 20 months. No men. No dates. No kissing. Absolutely no sex. Nothing but one platonic date that left me wondering if it’s time to explore chicks. Kidding. Sort of. But I had made a very conscious decision, after 20 years of…

Want to share a dating story of your own?